Specters of Revolution: Peasant Guerrillas in the Cold War Mexican Countryside (Oxford University Press, 2014)
*Awarded the María Elena Martínez Mexican History Book Prize as the top book on Mexican history published in 2014, (awarded January 2016)
A War Against Poor People: Dirty Wars, Narcotics and the Cold War Roots
of Mexico’s Contemporary Drug Violence (in progress)
Digital Projects (Peer Reviewed)
“Those Who Live in Luvina: Power and Violence in the Mexican Countryside,” Conclusion for the “Violence Takes Place” Series (Co-edited with Jayson Maurice Porter), Noria Research Collective, Mexico and Central America Program:
English: https://noria-research.com/luvina-power-violence-mexico-count/
En Español: https://noria-research.com/luvina-poder-y-violencia-en-el-mexico-rural/
“Violence Takes Place” Series, Co-Editor, Noria Research Collective, Mexico and Central America:
“Guerrilla Movements and Armed Struggle in Cold War Mexico,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History, ed. William Beezley (Oxford University Press, 2017) (Published, June 2017)
http://www.oxfordreference.com/abstract/10.1093/acref/9780190680893.001.0001/acref-9780190680893-e-387?rskey=AjCcSy&result=33 – acref-9780190680893-e-387-div1-1
“The New Left in Latin America (Annotated Bibliography),” Oxford Bibliographies Online:
Latin American Studies (Oxford University Press, 2011).
Co-Written with Benjamin T. Smith, “Mexico’s Dirty War: A Reassessment,” Bulletin of Latin American Research 43:3 (June 2024), 211-224: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/blar.13549
“El norte chiquito: From ‘dirty wars’ to drug wars in the Guerrero hotlands,” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 112 (December 2021), 71-89:
“’Are you with the Rich or the Poor?’ The Making of a Poor People’s Revolution in Cold War
Mexico,” Histoire@Politique (Centre d’historie de Sciences Po, Paris) (Published Spring
“Mexico’s Long Dirty War,” NACLA Report on the Americas 48:2 (Summer 2016), 144-149.
“State Anxieties, Campesino Guerrillas, and an Archive of Counterinsurgency in Cold War
Mexico,” Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 19:1 (July 2013), 41-51.
“’La Revolución es mundial de los pobres contra la clase rica’: El Partido de los Pobres y la comuna mexicana,” in Genaro Vázquez y Lucio Cabañas: tensiones de la memoria y movilizaciónsocial, eds.Marisol López Menéndez, Amilcar Carpio y Jorge Mendoza (Universidad Iberoamericana and Ediciones Bonilla, forthcoming)
“Killing Machine: How Mexican and US States of Exception Turned Revolutionaries and Migrants into Bare Life, 1966-1996,” in On Othering: Processes and Politics of Unpeace, eds. Yasmin Saikia and Chad Haines (Athabasca University Press, 2024): https://read.aupress.ca/read/on-othering/section/de9c0c3e-cd11-49f5-ac63-7e8d2bf4f1cc#ch07
“The Border is the Violence: War, Empire and Migrants in the Making of the US-Mexico Border,” in Migration and Torture in Today’s World, ed. Fabio Perocco (Edizioni Ca’Foscari/ Venice University Press, 2022):
“Grupo Sangre: Drugs, Death Squads, and the Dirty War Origins of Mexico’s Drug Wars” in Histories of Drug Trafficking in Twentieth-Century Mexico, eds. Wil Pansters and Benjamin T. Smith (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2022):
“Guerrilla Movements and Armed Struggle in Cold War Mexico,” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mexican History and Culture, ed. William Beezley (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019): https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-encyclopedia-of-mexican-history-and-culture-9780190680893?cc=us&lang=en&
“A War Against Poor People: State Terror and Mexico’s War on Drugs during the Global Sixties,” in México Beyond 1968: Revolutionaries, Radicals and Repression during the Global Sixties and Subversive Seventies eds. Jaime Pensado and Enrique Ochoa (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2018): https://uapress.arizona.edu/book/mexico-beyond-1968 https://uapress.arizona.edu/book/mexico-beyond-1968
“Seizing Hold of Memories in Moments of Danger: Guerrillas and Revolution in Guerrero,
Mexico,” in Challenging Authoritarianism in Mexico: Revolutionary Struggles and the
Dirty War, 1964-1982, eds. Fernando Calderón and Adela Cedillo (London: Routledge,
“’We have returned to Porfirian Times:’ Neo-Populism, Counterinsurgency,
and the Dirty War in Guerrero, Mexico 1969-1976,” in Populism in 20thCentury Mexico:
The Presidencies of Lázaro Cárdenas and Luis Echeverría, eds. María L.O. Muñoz and
Amelia Kiddle (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2010).
“Profiting from Terror in Cold War Latin America: Bishara Bahbah’s Israel and Latin America: The Military Connection,” Liberated Texts, 3 January 2022: https://liberatedtexts.com/reviews/profiting-from-terror-in-coldwar-latin-america-bishara-bahbahs-israel-and-latin-america-the-military-connection/
Review of Jessica Kim, Imperial Metropolis: Los Angeles, Mexico and the Borderlands of American Empire, 1865-1941 (University of North Carolina Press, 2019), for H-Diplo (February 2021).
Review of Marian Schlotterbeck, Beyond the Vanguard: Everyday Revolutionaries in Allende’s Chile (University of California Press, 2018), for H-LatAm (May 2019).
Review of Carlos Illades, Conflict, Domination and Violence: Episodes in Mexican Social History (New York: Berghahn Books, 2017), for the Bulletin of Latin American Research 38:2 (2019), 261-262.
Review of Javier Valdez Cárdenas, The Taken: True Stories of the Sinaloan Drug War
(University of Texas Press, 2017), for Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 34:3 (Fall 2018), 405-408.
Review of Joseph Lenti, Redeeming the Revolution: The State and Organized Labor in Post-
Tlatelolco Mexico (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2017) for The Journal of
Interdisciplinary History 49:1 (Summer 2018), 168-170.
Review of Gladys McClintock, The Logic of Compromise in Mexico: How the Countryside Was
Key to the Emergence of Authoritarianism (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015) for Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 42:1 (2017), 107-108.
Review of Randall Sheppard, A Persistent Revolution: History, Nationalism, and Politics in
Mexico since 1968 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2016) for The Hispanic American Historical Review 97:4 (Winter 2017), 754-755.