Author of Specters of Revolution

“…a penetrating account of guerrilla struggles in modern Mexico….captures how peasant longings, political repression, and the violence of poverty created a daring movement for justice. “
– Tanalís Padilla, author of Rural Resistance in the Land of Zapata: The Jaramillista Movement and the Myth of the Pax Priísta, 1940-1962
Purchase Specters of Revolution from Oxford University Press

Alexander Aviña is an associate professor of Latin American history in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Arizona State University. He previously taught at Florida State University. His book, “Specters of Revolution: Peasant Guerrillas in the Cold War Mexican Countryside” (Oxford University Press, 2014), was awarded the Maria Elena Martínez Book Prize in Mexican History for 2015 by the Conference on Latin American History. He has also published articles in the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research and the NACLA Report on the Americas. Read More